About us
Welcome to TFCC
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally...
Thank you for taking the time to navigate our site.
My utmost desire is to see you blessed and I believe you will be blessed as you browse through!
My heart is to pursue the Fathers heart and I call on you to come along.
Tower of Faith Christian Centre has been an assembly; birthed out through a clear call from the Lord and a confirmation of the voice on the day it was inaugurated.
As in Ps.132: 17 '' there will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed'', we as a church have this as one of the scriptures supporting our call to have the governmental authority experienced by David in the re-establishing of the tabernacle of David and the principles within.
Gradually the Lord has been confirming his word as this house being primarily a training and equipping centre, we have been careful to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit to bring the vision step by step to fruition.
The initial membership of five has seen the Lord added to us as we continue to experience growth in all areas and the vision becoming clearer day by day. With a daring vision to establish a church of all nations, people and kindred, we have people from the Caribbean, Ghanaian, Nigerian, Eritrean, Ethiopian, Great Britain, Uganda etc.