The Apostolic Dimension
The Apostolic Dimension
We understand the Apostolic ministry and dimension to the New Testament church at TFCC.
We Submit to and absolute acceptance of the Sovereignty of God and His right in all things to command, direct, determine and resource all our activity.
To do His will we totally deny ourselves of all Self-based ideas, wisdom and earthly ambition in the execution of the Will of God.
We also believe that absolute obedience to the command of God without wavering and diverting until the work is done.
To fulfil mandate there is nothing so important than coming to the place of embracing a posture of humility as we interface with the Apostolic Grace and steward it into the lives of the saints in fulfilment of the Will of the Lord.
We are ready as an a people to come to a place of Complete commitment to always remain within the boundaries of the leadership principles set by the Word of God.
We also Unswerving gaze upon Jesus Christ as the ultimate pattern for lifestyle and leadership conduct to be utilised by the TFCC Leadership in the execution of its mandate before the Lord.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.